A woman I work with told me that people come into your life like sand paper. Sand paper makes the walls better, and they prep them for paint. People who are like "rough" sand paper in your life, are put there to make you better. As you are going through life, you are going to find people that will mold you into a better, stronger you. How you handle those people determines how smooth and prepared you will be later in life.
My roommates are my best friends. I wouldn't trade anything for the friendship we have. I saw this quote on Tumblr that says, "Sometimes, you can find your soul mate best friend." Not only is this statement true, but I've found mine. Grace is my biological sister... somewhere I know we are related. We are too much alike that I don't even know where to begin. With all of our awkwardness, our same thinking process and sense of humor, we can always tell what the other is going to say or think before it happens.
Anyways, my friends are my support system. They tell me when I'm being irrational and they tell me when I've done something awesome. Grace and Garrett both enjoy eating healthy, and Grace is my running partner.
It is very important to have those people in your life that will support you, criticize you when it's needed, and love you for everything you are. Do you know any soul mate best friends?
Work is going pretty well. But with school I haven't really had much time to teach or start a new class on my own which I really wanted to do before I left the kitchen. I am going to miss all of the people and the kids, but I will take everything I've learned and keep going. I loved being able to work with a variety of dietitians and meet so many people. I've learned so much while working at HK and I'm so happy I got that opportunity. I'm not sure what they have in store for the kitchen but I hope it will be as influential and as fun as it is now!
One of the main things I'm gonna miss is teaching the kids at St. Joe. The preschoolers are absolutely adorable and really learned what it means to eat healthy and how. Teaching them taught me as well. It taught me the importance of helping people realize what they put in their bodies really matter. Kids soak up information like a sponge, so it is important to teach them things they will want to keep up with.
Jamie Oliver created what we know now as Huntington's Kitchen. It was his mission to bring cooking back into the kitchen and also help families become a lot closer and healthier. Cooking your meals at home for sure is healthier than eating that same meal in a restaurant. You control your portions, your ingredients, and how much you put into the meal. I love what Jamie started and I was so happy to help continue it. I used his 10 week teaching plan for my kids at St. Joe. The class is learn your fruits and vegetables and boy did they learn.

My Running
This semester has killed me. After classes and my body conditioning class at the gym 3 days a week, I barely had the energy to run. There were days I sat in bed studying for 5-6 hours out of the day. And let me tell you.. after laying in bed all day I definitely didn't have the urge to run. But as sad as it sounds, I'm going to be honest with you, my runs were spontaneous and only when I felt like it. There were some weeks I didn't run at all. And to tell you again... it decreased my endurance. Which now, I'm trying to get back. But things like that happen and how you deal with that and all of the negative thoughts is what matters the most. I'm posting my runs because I want you to know I'm not perfect. I'm honest. I stop, I stretch, I sometimes only run 2 miles and then quit.
But, what I want you to take from this and my blog altogether, is, keep working towards your goals. Even if it takes you a long time and many set backs, remember why you started and keep going.

Summer is going to be scorching! May runs for me have been exhausting. The other day I ran in 90 degree weather, but only at 7pm. I try to run in the evenings because It helps me wind down. After working out I sleep so much better.
I got these Think Thin bars at Kroger in the organic section and I really like them! I'm not a fan of the caramel kind, but the chocolate fudge are pretty good. They have 0 grams of sugar, 8 grams of fat, and 20 grams of protein! I eat them as a quick recharge after my runs if I'm on the go and I can't cook something right away.
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