Tuesday, December 3, 2013

For All the Runner's Out There... Carbs?

Alright, so what's the deal with carbohydrates when it comes to running? You've all heard, "You need to stock up on carbs before a long run," or "It's okay if I eat that box of processed sugar cookies; it has a lot of carbohydrates to keep me going on my run later."
So let's talk about carbohydrates.

First we know we need them in our diet, whether it's from vegetables or grains. They are our MAIN source of ENERGY! 45-65% of your calories should come from carbohydrates each day. But that means your carbs should come from nutrient dense foods. Which do you think would be more nutrient dense? A cheeseburger from Wendy's or a berry almond salad? If you guessed the salad, you are right. You will get more nutrients from a salad with half the calories than you would that juicy cheeseburger. Better stick with the salad.

I have to be a little honest with you... I do not get 45-65% of my needs from carbohydrates. More like 30% and that is on a day when I'm working out for a few hours. You do need carbs for energy but.... there is another group that provides your body some energy as well. Lipids. Fats, also known as lipids provide energy too. You just burn more fat at a resting state than you do with carbs. You use your carbs for that vigorous activity. Fats take more time to digest than carbs. When you are working out hardcore, your body wants energy right now right now.

Those who are on a Paleo diet mostly use their fats for energy, but also some carbs from vegetables.

So carbs or no carbs before running?

Now that you know more information about carbs and why they are important for the body, what is your take on them?

I feel as long as you aren't eating a bunch of Twinkies and little Debbie's, and you are burning off the calories you need to to stay physically fit, which means balancing out your calories and working out when on a regular basis, then eat those carbohydrates. Put them to good use when you are out there running because you know carbs burn faster, especially when you are running at a more vigorous level.

Before a run, depending on how long I go, I usually eat a piece of whole wheat toast with all natural peanut butter (I'll do a post about all natural peanut butter vs. the usual that most people buy) and a banana with ground flax on top.

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