Marshall just got back from Thanksgiving break, just a week mind you, and I can literally touch the next one. December 13th needs to arrive sooner because I'm about to croak from this semester.
It's "dead week" here at MU and I can honestly say I feel dead. Dead week is suppose to be the week before all of the finals hit. It's suppose to help you prepare for exams, but this is like is a pre-exam week for me. I tell ya, my professors are trying to kill me before I can make it to next semester. Well, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? I guess we will have to see after these next two weeks.
Anyways, besides hours of studying and working, I'm kind of feeling down this week. I have so much on my mind and so much on my to do list that it's been really hard to go running. If I'm not running at least 3 times a week...mostly 4... then something is wrong with me. I'm either overwhelmed, sad, or sick. Well, it's Thursday, and I've only laced my running shoes twice. Today, it was gross and rainy and I worked most of the day. Plus, I've had a lot that has distracted me. "I'm just feeling dead."
How do you guys find ways to get moving? When something has you bothered or stressed, how do you push yourself to work-out?
This was me today. If any of you have watched Friends, you know how Joey likes his food. Well... the fridge didn't break, but it should have. I ate so much today! At least it was healthy food, since that is pretty much the only thing I have in my fridge besides my roommates stuff (they eat pretty healthy too so it's not a big deal) but I just could not stop eating. I was feeling weak, jittery, and so stressed from studying. Anyone else struggle with these cues?
If you guys are struggling with dead week and finals, just remember you aren't the only one. They don't call it that for nothing. Honestly, you know it's finals week when people wear the same thing they've slept in/worn for the past 2 days and also forget to shower.
Have a good week everyone!
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